General report of the XXVth World Road Congress Seoul (Korea), November 2015
The General Report of the XXVth World Road Congress has been prepared under the supervision of the Strategic Planning Commission of the World Road Association (PIARC), which was responsible for reviewing the drafts.
This General Report has been written by Chang-ho Lee (Korea Expressway Corporation, KEC), with contributions
from Kyung-Soo Yoo (Korea Organizing Committee, KOC), Suk-Kee Hong (KEC), Won-Tae Kim (KEC), Jeong-Hee Kim(KOC), as well as from PIARC’s General Secretariat, i.e. Jean-François Corté, Robin Sébille and Jun-Sik Ko, and both the Strategic Theme Coordinators and Technical Committee Chairs.
The final version was produced after taking into account remarks issued after the Congress by members of the Strategic Planning Commission, the PIARC Strategic Theme Coordinators and PIARC Technical Committees.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Domain(s): General
- Type: RR371 - Features
- PIARC Ref.: RR371-012
- Number of pages: 6
This article has been published in the Routes/Roads magazine